Review of Maternity Services


What is the survey about?
This is a survey about your recent experience of maternity care. The survey will gather responses from mothers who have given birth in the past five years in Jersey and has been devised to assist the Health and Social Security Scrutiny Panel in understanding and assessing the current maternity services and the experiences of parents. 

Your views are very important in helping us find out how good the services are and how they can be improved. Please note, this questionnaire is about your most recent pregnancy and birth in Jersey.

Respondents will note that the survey has a focus on antenatal care, labour and the birth of the baby, postnatal care, baby feeding, care after birth, mental health and overall feedback from womens' experiences of the Jersey Maternity Unit.

Whilst this survey is aimed at new mums, the Panel also really value the views of fathers/partners/families. If you are a father, partner or family member and would like to share your experiences of maternity services with us then please write directly to the Panel's Officer Sammy at 

Completing the Survey
Please note that taking part in this survey is voluntary and your answers will be treated anonymously. Whilst the Panel may refer to quotes gathered through the open questions of the survey, they will not be attributed to an individual.

Please take time to consider your responses to this survey, which will be carefully analysed by the Panel as part of its Review of Maternity Services.

We would be grateful if you could complete the survey before Thursday 1st April 2021.  

Questions or help?
If you have any queries about the survey or require any further information please write to and we will respond as soon as we can.