What is the Saracen Street Active Travel Project ?

Glasgow City Council’s  Active Travel Strategy 2022-2031  aims to achieve significant modal shift across the city to walking, wheeling and cycling. The strategy’s vision is that:

"walking, wheeling and cycling will be the first and natural choice for everyday journeys, for people of all ages and ability, to travel locally to schools, to shops, to work, or to the city centre."

The Active Travel Strategy outlines the concept of a City Network: a cohesive and functional network of high-quality cycling routes across Glasgow. This network aims to link amenities and facilities across multiple neighbourhoods, as per the standards set out within Connectivity, People and Place: Interim Delivery Plan for the City Network. How each section of the network will be implemented is described within the City Network Delivery Plan. 

The consultation

There are two key options Glasgow City Council is exploring to connect Saracen Street to the City Network and improve the wider walking environment as well as an additional idea about reducing traffic overall. Glasgow City Council would like feedback from people who live, work, and travel through the local area before going forward with additional design work. For more information please click here.


The success of the City Network is reliant on input from local people to help the team understand key issues in each neighbourhood, with this local knowledge informing the developing designs. For this reason, we would kindly ask you to give us your views on the proposed designs.


The results from this survey will inform the final design.


Contact information.

If you require any additional information about this survey or would like this document in an alternative format or community languages, please contact:

  • Sustainable Transport 
    Exchange House, 231 George Street, Glasgow, G1 1RX

The survey will take approximately 10 minutes to complete.


The deadline for completing this survey is Monday 10th March 2025.


We undertake consultation and engagement with the public to give respondents the opportunity to give us their views and opinions, which help shape the policies we make and the services we deliver.  However, the Council will not tolerate the use of abusive or obscene language, and these comments/views will be disregarded and not included as part of the response.  



The Council is now required to process personal information in line with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).  For more information about this please visit  here.