Safer Corby Team at Corby Borough Council


1. Please enter your postcode


2. Please describe your neighbourhood in one word *


3. Are you currently affected by any of the below? Please tick all that apply.

If so, you can complete the anti-social behaviour reporting form by clicking here, or send an email to to find out how we can help.


4. Do you have an understanding of serious organised crime? If not, please click here for more information.


5. Do you think the police and council work together to address crime and ASB? *


6. Do you feel safe knowing that there is CCTV?


7. Do you support the use of North Northamptonshire public space CCTV?


8. Have you been the victim of a hate crime or hate incident in the last 6 months?


9. If you wanted to report a hate incident, or access further support, would you know how to do this? If not, please click here for more information.

Check out our survey templates or create your own.