Suffolk Serious Violence Duty Strategy Development

1. Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey.

In January 2023 the Home Office launched the Serious Violence Duty. This new duty requires duty holders to prevent and reduce serious violence. Serious violence has a devastating impact on victims and their families, instils fear within communities and is extremely costly to society. We all have challenges and opportunities to prevent and reduce serious violence in our communities and we need your help to shape our responses to these.

What is Serious Violence?
The Home Office strategy shows that since 2014, specific types of serious violence have been increasing faster than other crime types. Specifically, homicide, knife crime, gun crime and county lines drug dealing have increased significantly. The new duty however also widens the scope for each area to include other forms of serious violence, for example, domestic abuse, sexual violence and modern slavery.

Who are the duty holders?
The duty holders are Suffolk Constabulary, Suffolk County Council, Suffolk Youth Justice Service, Probation Service, Ipswich Borough Council, West Suffolk Council, Babergh & Mid Suffolk Council, East Suffolk Council, Integrated Care Boards and Suffolk Fire and Rescue Service. In addition to the duty holders, other organisations are expected to be involved in decision making, including police and crime commissioners, educational settings, prisons and secure estates, the voluntary sector, businesses and communities

This survey
This survey is part of the engagement we need to undertake to really understand the causes of serious violence in our communities, what is already happening to tackle the issues and your ideas of how we can prevent and reduce serious violence in Suffolk.

Useful links (right click to open in a new tab)
The new Serious Violence Duty, including the definition of serious violence and what will be undertaken in Suffolk.
Home Office Serious Violence Strategy
Suffolk Safer Stronger Communities Board
Suffolk Office of Data & Analytics