RVJB Customer Service Feedback
1. Which service did your contact/enquiry relate to?
2. When contacting the Assessor and Electoral Registration office recently, were you satisfied with the level of service you received?
3. How satisfied were you with the helpfulness and professionalism of the people you dealt with?
4. My enquiry was handled promptly and efficiently:
5. I found the employee to be well informed on the subject matter:
6. I felt the time that I needed to wait for my query to be answered was acceptable:
7. Do you agree that the Assessor and Electoral Registration services are inclusive and free from discrimination?
8. The Assessor and Electoral Registration services are easy to access (e.g. location, opening hours)
9. Are you aware of the Scottish Assessor's Association web site at https://www.saa.gov.uk/ ?
10. If you have any additional comments regarding the service you received from the Assessor or Electoral Registration service, please write them below:
The answer is in an invalid format.
11. If you would like a response to your feedback, please provide contact details.
This information will be used to contact you regarding your comments and for no other purpose, in line with Data Protection legislation