GOSH Summer School Abstract Competition 2025


Returning for 2025 is the GOSH Summer School poster prize competition! We are looking for abstracts of 250 words or less, on a project you have completed. Abstracts should be divided into four sections – aims, methods, results, conclusions. Please submit your abstract below by 7th March 2025.

Abstracts submitted will be reviewed by the organisers, and the highest scoring abstracts will be invited to display their posters on Day 3 of Summer School 2025. Please ensure at least one author is registered for the in person days of the conference (https://courses.gosh.org/event/GSS2025#init). Abstracts can include work published/presented previously. Case presentations must observe confidentiality standards.

The best posters at Summer School will win a prize!


1. Please enter your full name: *


2. Please select your stage of study/training *


3. Please provide your email address: *


4. Where do you currently work/study (institution) *


5. Are you the presenting author (ie will you be attending the conference?) *


6. Please enter the title of your abstract *


7. Please enter the names and emails of all authors in the correct order *


8. Please add your abstract to the box below. Abstracts should be divided into four sections – Aims, Methods, Results, Conclusions (max word count 250) *