Digital Skills and Support

1. The South East DSP's COVID-19 Response

The South East Local Enterprise Partnership (SELEP) has recently shared an impact survey, seeking feedback from businesses in the region about how the COVID-19 outbreak is affecting them. Responses to this survey will help SELEP and regional Growth Hubs to provide ongoing support, and ensure that policy-makers at local and national level, recognise the challenges facing businesses and the pressures that the Coronavirus epidemic has caused. To respond to this survey head to the following link:

The short survey below is sent on behalf of the South East Digital Skills Partnership, and looks to help the DSP to build a list of help and support available across the region, in terms of digital skills and access to information.

1. The Digital Skills Partnership counts representatives from large and small business, the voluntary sector, local government and education.

In light of the COVID-19 outbreak, what do you want to see from partners and affiliated organisations to help your organisation through this difficult time?


2. Considering the online resources available (some of which is listed here), relating to remote working, digital skills training and online learning and accessing services, what's lacking from the point of view of your own organisation?


3. We're currently building a list on the DSP website of online tools and information that may be of help to individuals and organisations across the region, plus any practical offers of help and support from local and national partners.

Please tell us below of ways in which you or your organisation can help others in the South East, whether through sharing information about online resources or in more practical ways (eg. knowledge, capacity, hardware/software etc). Please include your contact details/organisation so we can get in touch!


4. Would your organisation specifically welcome additional webinar support focusing on the following:


5. One of the questions that's been raised by partners relates to access to hardware and connection to online services/information for individuals in certain vulnerable categories, where they might usually access via libraries etc. We're looking at possible solutions but need to identify the scale of the issue. Would your organisation be able to help us identify individuals and families facing increased isolation due to lack of connection/hardware?


6. The Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) have requested case studies of organisations that have adapted to new ways of working to share via the central Government blog. Would you be interested in sharing such stories about your own organisation?

Check out our survey templates or create your own.