It is well known that the NHS faces increasing levels of activity during the winter months, often referred to as winter pressures. Each year the NHS creates additional information and messages to help members of the public keep safe and well, make the right choices, access the most appropriate services, and, in so doing, help ease the pressures on the NHS, wherever possible.
For the winter of 2023 the NHS across Lancashire and South Cumbria created the Think Winter campaign. As we prepare the Think Winter campaign 2024, we would like your feedback on the campaign last winter and your thoughts and input into the materials we are developing for the winter of 2024. Please help us by completing this survey.
Data Protection Statement
Please read this data protection statement which explains how we will use the information we are collecting from you.
Demographic detail is requested at the end of the survey in order to monitor responses in accordance with the protected characteristics.
The information you supply will be held securely and in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018. You can withdraw your consent at any time by emailing:
The information shared with partners across the NHS in Lancashire and South Cumbria will be anonymous and will relate to themes and trends from the responses we receive. Survey results and data will be securely held, and any paper copies will be transferred to the online survey and destroyed. Survey material will be kept for a five-year period.