Whether you use the Internet for social networking, gaming or studying, being online is probably a really important part of your life. While the Internet presents lots of opportunities for you and your friends, there are many hidden dangers and new types of risk.
Please help us to better understand how you use the Internet at home by filling in this survey. It is anonymous, so no one will know who filled it out. We will use the results to plan how best to support you and keep you safe online at home and at school.
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1. Which year group are you in? *
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2. Do you have access to the Internet at home? *
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3. If yes, on what sort of device(s) can you access the Internet? *
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4. If you have the Internet at home, where in the house do you access it?
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5. Estimate how much time you spend on the Internet each day *
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6. Are there privacy controls set up on the device you use at home? *
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7. Do you talk with adults at home about safe rules for Internet browsing? *
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8. What do you do online? (Tick all that apply.) *
This question requires an answer
9. Which social networking sites do you have accounts with? (Tick all that apply.) *
10. Do you have the same friends online and offline?
11. Do you know what counts as personal information and that this shouldn’t be posted or written about online?
12. Have you ever felt uncomfortable with something you have seen online?
13. Do you know what to do if something or someone made you feel uncomfortable online?
14. Have you ever met up with anyone in the real world that you only knew online to begin with?
15. Would you like to learn more about e-Safety in school?
16. Is there anything related to e-Safety that you would specifically like to know more about?
17. Is there anything else you would like to tell us or you think we should know?