2024 Newcastle OHS Manager/HR Feedback Survey
1. Thank you very much for taking the time to complete this short questionnaire – it should take no more than 5 minutes to complete, and will help us to inform and improve our service.

1. Which organisation are you from? *


2. Please select your Newcastle Hospitals Clinical Board


3. How would you rate the following: *

Very satisfiedSatisfiedUnsatisfiedVery unsatisfiedNot relevant
Ease of accessing the service
Pre-appointment communication
Time to appointment
Use of remote consulting
Content of report
Follow-up arrangements
Post-appointment communication

4. Overall, did you find the Occupational Health Service a useful service? *


5. Please select the statement which most applies to your experience of our service

Happy with serviceCould be improvedNot relevant
Advice contained in the report (e.g. adjustments, advice on return to work plans)
Access to support services (e.g. counselling, physiotherapy)
 Expediting appointments (if applicable)
General support for the employee
Waiting times
Time to receipt of report
Nature of appointments (timing/locations)
Communication (e.g. emails relating to reports, appointment details, etc)
Other (please specify):