Reading Well collections for children and young people: for Stroud District schools


Thanks to a partnership with Gloucestershire Library Service we were able to support the distribution of thirty Reading Well collections across local schools, during the last academic year, 2022-2023
A further five children's collections have been purchased and distributed to primary schools within the Stroud District.

1. Please provide your contact details below. A GDPR statement is at the end of this survey


2. We have limited resources to share with local schools so will need to shortlist based on need, as well as:

  • time and energy within the school to engage pupils with the book collection
  • ability to commit to three Reading Well Forums per academic year

Please briefly describe below why your school would benefit from this extra resource and why you would like to be involved with this project.


3. Are you or a colleague willing to join and contribute to the Reading Well Forums?


4. Please indicate below the contact details for the member of your school team who should be able to make the commitment to join us at the Reading Well Forums, if this is different from the contact details entered in Q1


5. "Reading Well helps you to understand and manage your health and wellbeing using helpful reading."


Please tell us about any reading related schemes or projects you have implemented in the past or are in the process of starting that could link with the aim of the RW scheme:


6. Informed Consent

The Children & Young People’s work stream (which includes this project: Reading Well collections in local schools) is a partnership project between Stroud District Council, Gloucestershire County Council, NHS Gloucestershire Integrated Care Board, Stroud & Berkeley Vale Primary Care Networks and Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust.


The workstream is intended to develop and deliver projects that promote a healthy lifestyle based on the five ways to wellbeing.


The Children & Young People’s work stream will process your details for the following purposes:


7. By ticking each box I consent to my sensitive personal details being processed for each purpose listed. You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. Further information about your rights and how Stroud District Council processes your Information can be found on our Privacy Notices at