Retreat for Women in Applied Mathematics 2025 - APPLICATION FORM
1. Retreat for Women in Applied Mathematics 2025 - Application form

This is the application form for the Retreat for Women in Applied Mathematics 2025 to be held in person at ICMS, Edinburgh Monday 13 - Friday 17 January 2025. The closing date for applications is Friday 11 October 2024. All applicants will be notified of the decisions of scientific organisers after that date. Priority will be given to Early Career Researchers in the UK.

Please note all successful applicants will be required to pay 150.00 GBP workshop registration fee.

Privacy Policy
Your details will be handled in-line with the ICMS Privacy Policy, which is available to read  here


1. Title *


2. First Name: *


3. Last Name: *


4. Email address: *


5. Institution *


6. Country of institution *


7. Are you an early career researcher? An ECR is an individual who is within eight years of the award of their PhD or equivalent professional training, or an individual who is within six years of their first academic appointment. These durations exclude any period of career break, e.g. for family care or health reasons. *


8. Your discipline: *


9. If you are not affiliated to a university department please indicate which sector you work in: *


10. What would you expect to gain by attending the retreat? *


11. Would you like to present a contributed talk? (20 mins talk + 5 mins Q&A) *


12. If you would like to present a contributed talk, please note your title and abstract below:


13. Would you like to present a poster? *


14. If you would like to present a poster please note your title and abstract below:


15. Subject to speaker approval, some of the plenary and research talks may be recorded. These recordings MAY capture images of participants during the talks and/or Q&A sessions. Are you happy for recordings which capture your image to be made available on the ICMS YouTube channel? *


16. Do you require financial support in order to participate in this workshop? There is limited funding available and priority will be given to Early Career Researchers in the UK. If you require support, please give details and approx amount in box below.


17. Please provide details of any special dietary requirements you have:


18. Is there any additional assistance we could offer to help you participate in this workshop? For example, help with access or help with additional caring costs?


19. If you have any other questions please add them in the box below. A member of the ICMS staff will reply to you.