Regenerate Our Green Space (ROGS)

1. Regenerate Our Green Space - Community Survey

Regenerate Our Green Space (ROGS) continue to search for suitable green space in the Fortrose area to set up allotments and a community garden. The Scottish Land Fund have awarded us money to develop our ideas.  So now we want to consult the Fortrose and Rosemarkie community, so we can create the sort of garden that the community wants, and to make sure we have support to maintain it for the longer term. 

Please take a few minutes to complete this short survey and help us develop our plans. 

1. Do you support the idea of developing allotments and a community garden in Fortrose?


2. What do you think the main benefits to our community would be?


3. What would you like to see in an accessible community greenspace/s? (tick as many boxes as apply)


4. Would you be interested in having or sharing an allotment? 


5. Would you volunteer a few hours a month to help look after a community green space?


6. What would you like a community garden to include? (Tick as many boxes as apply)


7. Do you have any specific concerns about the creation of allotments and a community garden? 


8. Do you have any other comments or suggestions to share with us? 


9. Would you be interested in becoming more involved with ROGS? 

If yes to any of these, please complete an online form on our website (https://ourgreenspace) or provide your name and contact details in the comments box below.

Use our survey software to create your survey.