Mental Health and Well-Being Support Over the Summer Holidays


1. Introduction

We are Healthwatch North Yorkshire, your local, independent health and social care champion. From Scarborough to Selby and everywhere in between, we make sure NHS leaders and other decision-makers hear the public’s views and use their feedback to improve care.

We recently completed a project that focused on young people's mental health and well-being. As a result, we published a report exploring the mental health and well-being challenges young people (aged 16-24) have faced or are facing, where they turn for support if they do, and how they find the support offered, as well as what is missing in the existing support. In this project, we found a gap in college support during the summer holidays that needs to be addressed.

Healthwatch North Yorkshire wants to know what supports or could support your mental health and well-being over the summer. 

It should take you approximately 5 minutes to complete this survey, and you also have the opportunity to describe what support has helped you over the summer by answering the question: “What “picture” would you use to describe your summer?”. You can respond to this in a creative way. For example, by recording a video clip, recording a voice message, taking a picture, or completing a drawing. 
All your answers will be anonymous and please only share what you are comfortable with. If you feel you need some help to support your mental well-being, find details of organisations and online resources at 
Mental health and wellbeing support for young people | Healthwatch North Yorkshire or get in touch with us.

Clicking on the consent option indicates that:
  • You agree to your data being anonymously used and stored by Healthwatch. (Please see our Privacy Terms & Conditions for more information).
  • You have read the above information about the survey.
  • You voluntarily agree to participate.