Wokingham Young People Survey September 2024

1. Introduction


Berkshire Youth is a local charity that supports young people across Berkshire, mainly through our youth work projects & programmes.
To help us and our partners, e.g. Police, Parish and Town Councils and voluntary group, to provide services that are important to you, we need to hear from you.  It's only by listening to what  you've got to say, that we can understand the world as you see it, and make the changes to improve it where we can.

The survey you’re about to complete is for young people aged between 11 and 18 years old and is made up of 31 questions and takes around 5-10 minutes to complete. The survey is anonymous, so please be as honest as you can.

This survey is from Berkshire Youth, Wokingham Borough Council and the Children and Young People’s Partnership. Your responses in this survey will help us to understand current needs and shape future work. As this survey is helping us and our partners with multiple pieces of work there are a variety of areas covered. It's only by listening to what you've got to say, that we can understand the world as you see it and make the changes to improve it where we can.

If you have any questions about this survey, please email admin@berkshireyouth.co.uk 

The survey is open until 25th October 2024

Any personal information you choose to provide will be kept confidential and used in accordance with our privacy notice.

Once we gather all feedback, we will create a plan towards supporting young people, opportunities and services. 


1. How old are you?


2. Which gender do you identify with?


3. Which school do you attend?


4. What is your postcode, missing the last two letters, e.g.RG14 1 or SL4 7?


5. How happy are you with these things in your life now?

Extremely happyVery happySomewhat happyNot so happyNot at all happy
My friendships
My experiences online
My life at school
My progress in education
My health
My relationships at home
My Identity
My Community

6. How would you rate the following for young people where you live?

ExcellentVery goodGoodFairPoorDon't know
Range of things to do, e.g. leisure centres, cinema
Places for young people to go, e.g. parks, skate parks
Green Spaces
Cost of activities
Places for young people to attend, feel safe, do activities and chat to someone if needed, e.g. youth clubs
Information about things to do locally
Connectivity and access to public transport, e.g. buses, trains
Services for young people, e.g. counselling
Engaging with the Borough, Town or Parish Council on things that matter to me
Volunteer opportunities
Art and Culture opportunities

7. Within your area, do you access any of the following to fill in your leisure-time, outside of school?


8. What, if anything, is missing for young people in the area you live? (i.e. Facilities, green spaces, activities, feeling included in a community, services available?)


9. In 5 words describe your ideal space for young people, either indoor or outdoor


10. If somewhere is out of walking distance, how do you get there?


11. Are there any life skills that you want to learn before leaving school? i.e. budgeting, learning about healthy relationships, time management, coping with stress. 


12. Do you know how to do necessary everyday things on a computer, tablet or phone. i.e. do homework, send emails, access online banking, research things? 


13. Do you know how to keep yourself safe online?


14. What do you think are the most important concerns facing you and other young people at the moment? Please choose up to 5 things from the list below.


15. Which issues, if any, would you like more information or support with? Please choose up to 5 things from the list below.


16. How safe do you feel in the area you live, the school you attend, and the places you spend your free time?

Not at all safeNot so safeSomewhat safeVery safeExtremely safe
Area you live
School or college you attend
Walking to and from college
Public transport to and from school or college
Places you spend your time
Walking within the borough
Public transport within the borough
Cycling and scooting within the borough 

17. Is there anything that would help you to feel safer. Either indoors or outdoors?


18. How much of a problem do you think the following are for young people in the area you live?

A very big problemA faily big problemNot a big problemNot a problem at allDon't know/no opinion
Bullying - including online
Carrying a weapon
Drinking excessive alchohol
Taking illegal drugs
Self harming
Violent behaviour

19. Which of the following, if any, have you or someone close to you been personally affected by recently? Please tick all that apply.


20. What do you and your friends do to keep yourselves safe?


21. If you were worried about something bad happening to you or a friend, who would you turn to? Please choose up to 5 of the options below.


22. When you become an adult, which things do you think will be most important for you to have a good life? Please choose those relevant to you, from the list below.


23. How likely would you be to attend or participate in

Very likelyLikelyUnlikelyVery unlikely
Evening Youth Centre Sessions in the local area
Holiday Youth Provision
Youth Work Support in the community
Volunteering/Leadership opportunities in the community
Community Based Youth Activities/Competitions
Trips and Activities provided from the local area.

24. Have you ever volunteered before?


25. What would motivate you to want to volunteer?


26. What volunteering opportunities do you want available for you in Wokingham Borough? This can be things that you’re interested in or good at or would help develop your skills further. 



Is there anything that stops you from volunteering? 


28. What time of day would you want to volunteer? 


29. Would you like us to contact you about volunteering within the borough? Contact box for email, if not asked previously


30. If it was up to you , what would be the single most important thing that the local council could do to improve your life (or your family's life)?

Your Borough, Town and Parish Councils are committed to supporting young people and appropriate facilities, services and opportunities for young people within your areas. Please share as many ideas as possible.

Borough councils hold the responsible for providing a wide variety of services to their areas, e.g. education, libraries and leisure centres, social care, rubbish collection and recycling, roads and transport. Most of the local services or facilities you use are provided or funded by the council.