REACH for the Future - What matters to you?
Improving Care Services in local communities
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We at REACH would be really grateful if you could take just a couple of minutes to complete this survey about improving care services in local communities. First though, let us explain the background to the survey and why REACH has chosen to create it.
‘One Gloucestershire’ the working name for the partnership between the county’s NHS and care organisations, has launched an engagement exercise called "Fit for the Future".
This engagement exercise is described as an opportunity to talk about ways services could be organised so that patients can get the very best urgent advice, support and care across the county and benefit from two thriving specialist hospitals in the future in Cheltenham and Gloucester.
The REACH campaign was founded, as the title suggests, to secure the re-establishment of a full 24/7 Accident and Emergency department at Cheltenham General Hospital to serve the people of that town and the surrounding districts of Gloucestershire. The campaign has expanded to keep a watching brief on the related A&E services: the 111 phone line; ambulance provision; and the out of GP hours service. All of these appear to be under pressure and all impact on the quality of response to patients at times of acute needs.
We at REACH are gravely concerned at the scope for the Fit for the Future document to mislead the public and are equally concerned that their accompanying survey has been constructed in such a manner that the results can be used to justify a decision that the respondents would not have supported. Because of this we have chosen to launch our own engagement and create this survey, to gather the real preferences of those local people in Gloucestershire and surrounding areas, who will be affected by these proposals.
We would be really grateful if you could take just a couple of minutes to complete this survey and encourage others to do so. We suggest that you read pages 6-13 of the Fit for the Future
and our Fit for the Future Explained
before completing this survey. We will share the survey results with the Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Trust and will challenge them to respond to peoples' wishes. This survey will close on Tuesday 5th November 2019.
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