Curriculum for Wales EOTAS guidance
Question 1 – Do you work in or support the delivery of education?
i) If yes, what is your organisation? (If no continue to iii below)
ii) What is your primary role?
iii) If you do not work in or support the delivery of education, in what capacity would you like to provide feedback?
iv) Are you providing feedback on behalf of an organisation or group?
v) If 'yes' please specify:
Question 2 – Is there a clear relationship between this draft Curriculum for Wales guidance for EOTAS and the published Curriculum for Wales guidance?
Question 3 – Does this guidance address the issues facing PRUs and other EOTAS providers when planning, designing and delivering the curriculum and assessment for learners?
Question 4 – Does this guidance support and help in planning, designing and implementing curriculum and assessment for learners in PRUs and other EOTAS settings?
Question 5 – Which aspects of this guidance do you feel are particularly helpful?
Question 6 – Are there aspects of this guidance which you feel could be improved?
Question 7 – Is there any information you think should be included in this guidance?
Question 8 – Do you have any further points to make specifically in relation to this draft Curriculum for Wales guidance for EOTAS?
Question 9 – We would like to know your views on the effects that the Curriculum for Wales guidance for EOTAS would have on the Welsh language, specifically on:
i) opportunities for people to use Welsh
ii) treating the Welsh language no less favourably than the English language.
What effects do you think there would be? How positive effects could be increased, or negative effects be mitigated?
Supporting comments:
Question 10 – Please also explain how you believe the proposed Curriculum for Wales EOTAS guidance could be formulated or changed so as to have:
i) positive effects or increased positive effects on opportunities for people to use the Welsh language and on treating the Welsh language no less favourably than the English language
ii) no adverse effects on opportunities for people to use the Welsh language and on treating the Welsh language no less favourably than the English language.
Supporting comments:
Question 11 – We have asked a number of specific questions. If you have any related issues which we have not specifically addressed, please use this space to report them.