4. We have suggested that the focus of our research, innovation and improvement activities will be aligned to the existing overarching goals defined within the Better Health and Wellbeing for All Strategy, which are: -
Reduce the gap between the region and the England average in life expectancy and healthy life expectancy at birth by at least 10% by 2030. This goal aims to reverse the current trajectory and set a long-term transformation in health outcomes.
Reduce inequality in life expectancy and healthy life expectancy at birth between people living in the most deprived 20% of neighborhoods and the least deprived 20% by at least 10% by 2030. This goal focuses on reducing health inequalities and improving health outcomes for everyone.
Increase the percentage of children with good school readiness at reception, particularly for children from disadvantaged groups. This goal aims to provide the best possible start in life for children and young people, which will have lasting positive effects on the physical and mental health outcomes and fairer outcomes.
Improve health and care services in the region. This may involve new, more efficient and effect ways of working and results in a better experience for patients, their families and staff. Ensure that the Integrated Care System is rated as good or outstanding by the Care Quality Commission (CQC).
In addition to the above overarching goals, a number of supporting actions have been defined and these include: -
- reducing smoking prevalence;
- decreasing alcohol related hospital admissions;
- halving the difference in suicide rate;
- lowering drug related deaths;
- increasing the percentage of early-stage cancer diagnosis;
- increasing the number of people within the population at a healthy weight;
- reducing social isolation;
- increasing health life expectancy.
In your opinion, does the above cover the areas of most significance to the region? (500 words cap)