Public perceptions study - English

Public health messaging and communications play a key role in informing the public of how to manage risks and prevent transmission during public health pandemics, including vaccination acceptance and uptake.

The purpose of this survey is to explore the perceptions of COVID-19 testing and immunisation uptake across Wales among different population groups. To help us shape the way we communicate, the view of those who live, and/or work in Wales is very important to us.

This study is an online survey where participation is voluntary. No personal or identifiable data is collected. The involvement in this study does not link with any current, past or future health and social care engagement. Analysis will only be conducted on data that you have submitted by selecting to finish the survey. Once you have submitted your answers to the survey, we will not be able to withdraw your involvement in the study. If you wish to withdraw at any point before submitting your responses for inclusion in the study, please just close the browser and this data will not be used and will be deleted.

By completing this survey you are agreeing to the following terms:
You are over 18 years of age
You understand the purpose of the survey and your role in it
You agree to take part and understand that your participation is voluntary
Answers to the survey will only be used once you have selected to submit your answers. Once you have submitted your answers to the survey, we will not be able to withdraw your involvement in the study