Pensions Investment Review - Call for Evidence


1. Pensions Investment Review - Call for Evidence
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The Chancellor has launched a landmark pensions review. Phase one of the review is focussed on investment.


In its initial stages the review will be considering evidence on a range of questions, which will guide our stakeholder engagement. The review intends to engage extensively with stakeholders and would welcome responses from relevant organisations and individuals on the questions and topics set out in this call for evidence.


We also invite stakeholders with existing data or unpublished analysis or reports relevant to the questions below to consider sharing these with the review.


Asset pooling policy in the Local Government Pension Scheme in England & Wales (LGPS) was consulted on in 2023. In addition to the below request for evidence, the review will engage extensively on next steps with regard to LGPS consolidation, with funds, pools and representative groups including the LGA and trade unions. With regard to investing in the UK, the questions set out below are applied to both DC and LGPS funds, and where relevant stakeholders should feel free to make submissions focused solely on the LGPS or solely on DC. Apart from the LGPS, the rest of the DB market is out of scope of this review.  

This call for evidence will close on Wednesday the 25th of September .

Privacy notice
Click here to download and view the privacy notice for the consultation, which sets out how HM Treasury will use your personal data for the purposes of  the ‘public sector exit payment’ and explains your rights under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA).