BAM Peer Review College - Member Nomination 2024

1. Completed nomination forms should be submitted by 17:00 GMT on Friday 25th October 2024

Important Note
Please read the details in the Call for Nominations carefully before nominating someone and consider that some backgrounds may be more appropriate for Peer Review College (PRC) Members and others for PRC Fellows.

PRC Members are mid-career academics interested in developing their reviewing skills and contributing to the community in a carefully calibrated and supported way during their term of College membership.

PRC Members are appointed for a 3-year term, with an agreed level of reviews for BAM in the region of 2-3 reviews per annum. There may be the opportunity of a second 3-year term via mutual agreement.

The panel will endorse nominees in which the criteria are met. We have implemented a robust and transparent process and give all cases an equal chance of success.

  • Presenting evidence is very important for this highly selective process, and do bear in mind that not all nominees will be successful at the first attempt.
  • Please provide examples of how the criteria might be met.
  • The panel may revert to the nominator if it is felt that further clarity or additional information is required before the nomination proceeds to the next stage.

If you would like clarification on any aspect of the nomination process please contact Yehuda Baruch at or Emma Missen, PRC Administrator, at

SECTION 1:  Contact Information

Nominee information

1. Title (Mr/Miss/Mrs/Dr/Prof etc.): *


2. First name: *


3. Last name: *


4. Email address: *


5. Current position: *


6. Institution: *


Nominator information (i.e. person making the nomination) - leave blank if self-nominating

7. Title (Mr/Miss/Mrs/Dr/Prof etc.): *


8. Name:


9. Email address:


10. Current position:


11. Institution:

SECTION 2: Nomination Details

Please provide details of the nominee’s contribution according to the key criteria for Membership as set out below.

12. In order to be eligible for nomination as a MEMBER of the BAM Peer Review College please tick below which criterion/criteria have been met. In the following questions we will ask you to supply a brief description of how they have been met. *

Those appointed are expected to become and remain full members of the British Academy of Management for the membership period.

13. Top five journals reviewed for in the past:


14. Top five conferences reviewed for in the past:


15. Top five grants reviewed for in the past:


16. Current areas of research or scholarship: *


17. Methodologies the nominee is acquainted with: *


18. Additional information relevant to the application (including BAM specific): *


19. Nominee's CV (please upload a Word file or PDF) *

Choose File

20. If the nominee has a personal webpage (for example, institutional or LinkedIn) please include the link to it below: *


21. Date: *


Completed nomination forms should be submitted by 17:00 GMT on Friday 25th October 2024