Physics World Article Short Teaching Survey
1. Welcome to our IOP teaching survey
Today, we are keen to hear your views on teaching as a career at secondary school level in England. As you have read in this article, teaching can be a really rewarding and inspiring career, and we’d like to hear the views of our Physics World readership.
The five-question survey will take less than three minutes of your time to complete. All answers are confidential, and responses will be used internally within IOP.
If you would prefer not to answer any individual question, then please leave it blank.
1. Would you consider a career in teaching physics within a secondary school in England?
2. Has this article inspired to you to start thinking about a possible change in career?
3. Would a scholarship programme with £26,000 worth of tax-free funding, Continuing Professional Development support and membership of the IOP for your training year be something that would interest you?
4. What would attract you most to a career in teaching physics at secondary school level?
5. Are there any reasons why you would not consider a career in teaching physics?