Policy and Research Manager 2020 - Equal Opportunities


1. Equality Monitoring Questionnaire
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This is the Equality Monitoring Questionnaire for the Fawcett Society Policy and Research Manager

The Fawcett Society strives to be an equal opportunities organisation.  

In order for us to monitor the effectiveness of our advertising strategies and to ensure they are accessible to all sections of the community, we have designed this equality monitoring questionnaire with the intention of having a separate, confidential record of where you obtained information about the vacancy or role you applied for, and information about your protected characteristics within the Equality Act 2010.

The information contained in this questionnaire will be treated as confidential and will be used for monitoring purposes. This information is held separately to your application, anonymously, and will not be used in selection for the post for which you are applying.

Responding to this questionnaire is entirely voluntary - if you do not wish to answer it, or any specific questions, you do not have to. It should take less than 5 minutes to fill in.