Education Record - Enrolment survey

1. About this survey


The department of education is currently developing a service that allows students to electronically share their verified education data from the DfE with further education providers at enrolment. 

This survey will support us in identifying opportunities to better support students, colleges and sixth forms in their enrolment processes.

Privacy statement
It's your choice if you take part in research. If you do not want to take part, do not submit this survey.  

If you believe that your personal data has been misused or mishandled, you can contact the Data Protection Officer (DPO): 
Post: Emma Wharram, Departmental Data Protection Officer, 2 Rivergate, Bristol, BS1 6EW 
Our full personal information charter, which tells you about your rights regarding your personal data, is available online at: Personal information charter - Department for Education - GOV.UK ( (available in an accessible version on request)