SYP's Manifesto 2026 - 2031

1. Introduction


As a young person, aged 12 - 26, you are invited to take part in a survey created by the Scottish Youth Parliament (SYP) to feed your views into SYP’s 2026 - 2031 manifesto. Before you decide whether or not you would like to participate, you can read the information provided here to help you to understand why and how the research is being carried out and what participation will involve.  This also includes information about how your data will be handed and stored in line with SYP's Privacy Policy.
Please contact SYP at if anything is unclear or you have any questions. 

If you’re a Young Scot Member, you will earn 150 Rewards Points for completing this survey. There is also an optional prize draw. More information can be found at the end of the survey. 


1. Do you agree to participate in this survey, collecting information and evidence from young people on the issues that matter to them as part of SYP's 2026 - 2031 Manifesto? Please note that selecting no will send you to the end of the survey. *


2. Are you happy for your typed responses to be anonymously quoted in publications by Scottish Youth Parliament, including in the published Manifesto? If you do not provide permission then no direct quotes will be used but your responses will still be used in report analysis. *