BR Conference 2025 - Invatation to Submit

1. Expression of Interest

We are excited to announce the Call for Presentations. We want to hear from people exploring trans+ research across all disciplines and a range of themes and aims. 

We would like to extend a particular welcome to trans+ researchers, first-time presenters and those who struggle with accessing traditional conference settings.

If you are interested in sharing your work at our conference, please complete the form below by the 1st March 2025. After this, we will contact you to ask for a title, abstract and speak bios.



1. Your Contact Details (if multiple people will be involved please only submit one expression of interest with the lead presenter's details. Further details can be subitted after the 1st March 2025) *


2. What type of sumbission would you like to make? *

Check out our survey templates or create your own.