Questionnaire on proposals for High Street


There is an ongoing programme of improvements to the public realm within Glasgow City Centre, including High Street.


The purpose of this survey is to seek your opinion on the proposed plans.


To view and download the Concept Plans of the proposals click here.


To view and download the Concept Visuals of the proposals click here.

We appreciate you taking the time to complete this survey.


1. Please select a category that best describes you / your organisation


2. What is your name / company name? (optional)


3. What is your email address? (optional)


Note: We will process your personal data so that we can keep you informed about news, events and further consultations relating to the Avenues B project. Your personal data will be treated as strictly confidential and will not be shared with any third parties and will only be held for as long as the project is live.

4. To what extent do you agree with  proposed plans to improve the street appearance through  planting and paving?


5. To what extent do you agree with proposed plans for improving pedestrian facilities?


6. To what extent do you agree with proposed plans for improving cycling facilities?


7. To what extent do you agree with proposed street layout plans and its functions, including traffic movement, parking access and loading?


8. To what extent do you agree with the proposals as a whole?


9. Please feel free to leave any additional comments


10. Please feel free to share any comments or suggestions regarding potential refurbishments in Cathedral Square.