Filtering and monitoring


1. In relation to the filtering and monitoring standards, have they helped you understand how to implement appropriate, effective systems and arrangements?

If no, please let us know where it would be helpful to expand the guidance in KCSIE and/or the filtering and monitoring standards:


2. Do you undertake a regular review of the effectiveness of your school or college’s filtering and monitoring systems?

If yes, what method of review do you undertake? 

Who undertakes this review? 
Senior leadership team / Designated safeguarding lead / IT service provider / Other

How often do you undertake this review? 


3. We are keen to understand what policy/processes schools and colleges have in place to respond when its filtering and monitoring system is triggered out of hours – if, for example, a child may be at imminent risk of harm.Does your school or college have a policy on this?

If yes, please give detail: 


4. KCSIE requires all staff to undergo safeguarding and child protection training (including online safety which, amongst other things, includes an understanding of the expectations, applicable roles, and responsibilities in relation to filtering and monitoring at induction). We would like views on whether schools and colleges feel further clarification or advice is needed here?