In terms of the Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982 (“the 1982 Act”) the Council, as the Licensing Authority for the City of Glasgow, has responsibility for the licensing and regulation of taxi and private hire car vehicles within its boundary.
Section 10(3A) of the 1982 Act provides that the licensing authority may refuse the grant of a taxi licence for the purpose of limiting the number of taxis in respect of which licenses are granted by it, but only if it is satisfied that there is no significant demand for the services of taxis in its area which is unmet.
In considering whether there is, or would be, an overprovision of private hire cars in any locality, section 10(3C) of the 1982 Act provides that the licensing authority must have regard to:-
(a) The number of private hire car licences operating in the locality; and
(b) The demand for private hire car services in the locality.
Following an independent review and report by Local Transport Projects Ltd in relation to the demand for both taxi and private hire car services in the city, the Licensing Authority’s Committee determined at its meeting on 17 April 2019 to adopt a policy of overprovision in relation to private hire car services and an unmet demand policy in relation to the number of taxi vehicles.
Following a further review and report by Local Transport Projects Ltd. In April 2023, and taking into account a reduction in the number of taxi licences since the previous review, the Licensing Authority’s Committee determined at its meeting on 26 April 2023 that there was a significant demand for the services of taxis in the city of Glasgow which was unmet and that this would remain the case until the number of taxi licences reached 1420.
In relation to private hire cars, at that same meeting on 26 April 2023, the Licensing Authority’s Committee determined that there was, at that time, a demand for private hire car services and that there would be no overprovision of private hire car services until the number of private hire car licences reached 3,450.
At a meeting on 28 February 2024, the Committee agreed that a full independent review of both the Limitation of Taxi Licences Policy and the Private Hire Car Licence Overprovision Policy would be undertaken in June 2025.
Current Position
There are currently 1,227 taxi licences and 3,450 private hire car licences in Glasgow.
This online consultation is seeking views on whether the current policies limiting the number of taxis and private hire cars in the city are still necessary and proportionate, and whether they continue to be in the public interest.
The outcome of the consultation will help inform the Licensing Authority to determine whether they wish to maintain either or both of the current policies, and if so, whether to proceed to carry out the review of demand that is due to commence in June 2025 in relation to the number limitations contained therein.
The closing date for responding is 28th May 2025.
If you would like further information on this consultation please contact:
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