

Understanding Barriers to Health and Social Care Access for Individuals with Experience of Hidden Homelessness

We are looking to hear from people who have experience of living in unstable, unsafe, or temporary housing which could lead to being hidden from support services. This may include people who are:

  • Sofa surfing (staying with family or friends on sofas/in spare rooms/on floors)
  • Rough sleeping that is out of sight e.g. walking around all night, staying in rural areas, staying 'hidden' and/or not seeking help from services
  • People sleeping in offices, cars, warehouses and sheds

Why are we doing this research? Our aim is to gather detailed information about the challenges and obstacles you face when trying to access health and social care services. Your responses will help us identify the main issues and develop recommendations that will be presented to health and social care services. We will publish this information in a report that will be available our website.

Confidentiality: Your responses will be kept strictly confidential. All data collected will be anonymised and used solely for the purpose of this research. We will not collect any identifiable information.

Survey Details:

  • The survey should take approximately 15-20 minutes to complete.
  • Please feel free to provide as much detail as possible in your responses.

How to Complete the Survey:

Click the "Next" button at the bottom of this page to begin.

Contact Information: If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact our project team at info@healthwatchgloucestershire.co.uk or call 0800 652 5193. We will do everything we can to help you.

Your participation will contribute to a greater understanding of the barriers faced by hidden homeless individuals and help us advocate for improved services and support.

Thank you for your time and valuable input.

Healthwatch Gloucestershire Team