Open Government in Glasgow

An open government is one that shares information, empowers people to hold their actions to account, and supports people to take part in the decisions over public services and policies affecting them. 

Glasgow has been a member of the Open Government Partnership since 2020, and these values are core to our membership. Having delivered our first Open Government Action Plan for Glasgow, we are now starting to develop our next Plan to cover 2024-2027.

You can read more about our approach, priorities, and progress in the first Open Government Action Plan 2021-23 here. Within our first Open Government Action Plan for Glasgow, we committed to actions to increase public participation, explore a digital engagement platform, create an open data hub, and build communications on open government.

You can also learn more about Open Government through these short Open Government Partnership clips.

  • An Introduction to OGP video  - click here
  • Introducing the Open Government Challenge - click here 

In Glasgow our vision is to support a fair and sustainable city where everyone gets to contribute, and all can benefit from a flourishing Glasgow. We need to encourage a culture of openness, transparency, and curiosity in the Council if we are to meet unknown new challenges. We need to work continually to make sure that the levels of trust from you, our citizens, to the institutions which serve them are strengthened as a key feature of a thriving city.

Share Your Ideas, Views and Suggestions

We want to hear your ideas and priorities to help us decide what to put in our next Open Government Action Plan for Glasgow.

Think about Open Government as improving how we work in Glasgow City Council, and with our Community Planning Partners, so that we are all able to understand the work of local government, to influence it effectively, and be able to hold local government to account.

What would you want to see us doing within the next Open Government Action Plan to make this happen – are there things from the previous Action Plan you want us to keep doing, do you have improvements or changes to be addressed, or are there new priorities you’d like included this time.

We will use this to inform a series of workshops, in Autumn 2024,  to explore these themes in more detail.

We want Glasgow’s Open Government Action Plan to reflect public priorities, so please share your ideas, views and suggestions, and help shape Glasgow’s next Open Government Action Plan.

This survey should take no longer than 10 minutes to complete. All responses are totally anonymous and confidential, and no individual will be identified as part of reporting.

The closing date for responses is Thursday 26th September 2024.


If you require any additional information about this survey, please contact:

The Council is now required to process personal information in line with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).  For more information about this please visit