Accessible Travel Reference Group Sign Up Form

1. Part A- About You


Accessible Travel Reference Group (ATRG) - Sign Up Form


What is the ATRG?


The ‘Accessible Travel Reference Group’ is a group of volunteers who are interested in being consulted on proposed improvements to accessibility. They have the opportunity to give feedback and offer suggestions regarding our trains/stations and assisted travel service. We are seeking the widest possible cross section of people from across our network with different access requirements and there is no limit on the number of members in the ATRG.


The Group currently includes older and disabled people with a variety of access requirements, parents who travel with infants and small children, and family members or carers who regularly travel with people who require assistance. We also have people who have never travelled with us for reasons relating to accessibility. In short, anyone is welcome to join.


We listen very carefully to the views of the Group's members as we understand that they are best placed to help us drive continual accessibility improvements on our network.


How do I apply?


Simply fill in the below survey which will ask you about your travel habits and any access requirements you may have. If you need assistance filling in this survey, please contact




As a member you will be sent updates regarding improvements we are making to accessibility and short surveys to complete regarding proposed changes. The surveys may be about network-wide issues, like a new design of train, or things nearer home, like improvements to your local station. We will ask for your feedback on how the proposed changes would affect you, and whether this will improve your journey experience. (All surveys are entirely voluntary, and in confidence.)




The data that you provide to us when you complete the survey (“your data”) will be stored securely and processed in line with the Data Protection Act 2018. Your data will be used by us solely to inform our plans for improved accessibility in line with the aims of the Accessible Travel Reference Group. This means we will only use your data for the purpose of considering accessibility requirements when we provide our services and plan to make changes to our services. If you do not wish for Southeastern to use your data in this way, please do not complete the survey. More details on how we hold and process your data can be found in Southeastern’s Privacy Policy.


Please note that questions marked with an * require a response


1. Please provide us with your contact details: *


2. Which age bracket do you come under? *


3. Please select your gender: *


4. List the two Southeastern served stations (including London terminal) you use the most.

Most UsedSecond most used

5. How often do you travel with Southeastern ? *


6. What are your main reasons for using Southeastern to travel? *


7. If you don't currently travel with Southeastern, why is this?


8. Are you interested in applying for our Accessible Travel Advisory Panel? (This is our in-person panel who meet 6 times a year, through a mix of in person and online meetings) 


The Accessible Travel Advisory Panel (ATAP) is a pan-disability group with a diverse range of lived experiences. They meet 6 times a year, through a mix of in person and online meetings to discuss how changes across our network impact accessibility and inclusion. Their feedback is then brought to the business where Southeastern will act where reasonably practical to mitigate against any highlighted risks.  


9. Do you consider yourself to be a disabled person? *


10. Do you hold a Blue Badge (Disabled Parking Permit)? *


11. Do you have a mobility impairment?


12. Do you have a sensory impairment?


13. Do you have any of the following?


14. Do you travel with either of the following?

  • Long/ Symbol cane user

15. Do you need to use a platform-train ramp when boarding/alighting trains? *


16. Is there anything else you would like to share about the challenges you personally experience in the railway environment?