1. What does mental health and emotional wellbeing mean to you?
2. What are your views on mental health and emotional wellbeing?
3. How do you as a young person deal with being sad or upset?
4. Who would you go to if you were struggling with your emotional wellbeing? e.g. getting angry, upset or facing extreme sadness.
5. If a friend or family member was struggling with their emotional wellbeing e.g. getting upset or facing extreme sadness who would you go to in order to help that family member or friend?
6. What type of projects would you like to see in the future?
7. What type of activities would you like to see in your community?
If anyone has any worries or concerns you can contact someone through:
Samaritans phone number: 116 123
Barnardo's phone number: 0800 151 2605
Wellbeing Connect Services phone number: 02088032200 / 07711128997