About This Survey
Liverpool City Council is working with NHS Cheshire and Merseyside to develop a strategy that outlines our vision to create a city where neurodivergent people are embraced, supported, and empowered across all aspects of life.
Our approach has been informed by the voices of neurodivergent people, their families and professionals working in education, research, employment, health, and care.
We would like the views of all those who live, work or study in Liverpool, particularly those who are neurodivergent or care for someone who is neurodivergent. Your input is vital to ensuring our plan reflects the real needs of our community.
Please note that an asterisk (*) indicates that the question must be answered. You will need to complete all required questions before you can move onto the next page or submit the survey.
What will we do with your survey responses?
Once the survey closes, responses will be accessed by a restricted team of Liverpool City Council and NHS Cheshire and Merseyside Integrated Care Board staff only. If you have chosen to leave your contact details, these will be separated from your data responses prior to analysis.
The results will only be used to inform the Liverpool Neurodiversity All-Age Strategy and action plan.
Privacy Notice
A summary of the responses received will be included in the appendix of the strategy.
Your responses are anonymous, but we may include your anonymised comments in the strategy, but no individual will be identified.
The final strategy will be published on Liverpool City Council which is expected to be released in October 2025. The data from this survey will be kept securely for a maximum of 12 months and then destroyed.
If you give your consent, your contact details will be shared securely with Healthwatch Liverpool, for the purpose of them contacting you.
More information can be found in the Liverpool City Council privacy notice.
The survey consists of a number of tick box questions, with options to share your personal thoughts and experiences. Completing the survey will take approximately 10 to 15 minutes.
Closing date: 14th May 2025
If you have any questions about this survey, please email us at NDStrategy@cheshireandmerseyside.nhs.uk