North West Kilmarnock Skatepark Consultation - Second phase
This is a joint consultation for the proposal of a skatepark in the North West area of Kilmarnock. Branching Out Community Initiative (BOCI) and East Ayrshire Council Vibrant Communities are working together to gather feedback on a preferred site the skatepark. This is the second phase of the consultation following the first survey that went out at the end of 2022. Local group BOCI are working to take forward the development of a skatepark for the young people in the community as it is listed as a priority in the North West Kilmarnock Community Action Plan. Three sites have been identified as possible locations. You can view the location of each site below. Each link will open google maps on a new window.
We are keen to hear your views so that we can progress with this exciting project.
The Mount
Altonhill Recreational Ground/Auchencar Drive
Behind North West Area Centre
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