This survey is written by young people and is for young people (aged 16-30). It shouldn’t take more than 8 minutes to complete, and all responses will remain anonymous. Participants will be included in a draw to win a bursary for attendance at the IARS International Conference, hosted in London in 2020 (300 EURO for non-UK based participants and 100 EURO for UK based). The survey is part of the European Commission funded YOUTH EMPOWERMENT AND INNOVATION PROJECT (YEIP), which promotes positive approaches to tackling youth radicalisation. If at any point you do not wish to answer a question, you may choose not to. If you would like more information on the project, please find it at All project results and related news are available through the website and on our Facebook page "YEIP Project." To get in touch, please contact us at: Thank you so much for your collaboration!