St Mary's / St James ward PAI opening survey 14 DEC 2022
This survey is being carried out by officers from St Mary's / St. James safer neighbourhood team to give us a better idea of the issues facing local residents.

Your answers will help us to understand what techniques are working, where to direct resources and how safe local residents feel. This survey covers St Mary's / St. James ward specifically; other surveys for surrounding areas will be distributed by local neighbourhood teams in their respective area.

1. Firstly, please enter your  name and contact  below to help us better understand who has answered our survey. You do not have to provide this information if you do not wish to.


2. How much of a problem do you think that these issues are in St Mary's / St. James ward  in general?

Very SeriousSerious IssueAn IssueNot A Major IssueNot A Problem At AllDon't Know
Antisocial Drinking
Antisocial Noise
Bad driving
Traffic Offences
Drug Users
Drug Dealing
Street Harassment (catcalling etc)
Violent Crime
Phone Snatches

3. How much of a concern are these issues to you personally?


Very worriedWorriedNeutralNot Particularly WorriedNot Worried At All
Antisocial Drinking
Antisocial Noise
Bad driving
Traffic Offences
Drug Users
Drug Dealing
Street Harassment (catcalling etc)
Violent Crime
Phone Snatches

4. Have you been a victim of a crime in the last six months?


5. Do you know how to report a crime online?


6. What do you think police about the police response to antisocial drug use in St Mary's?


7. What do you think that police priorities should be locally? Please rank your answers from 1 (top priority) to 7 (least important)


8. Our officers have been keeping people informed about local issues through Tweets.

How do you feel about our Twitter account?

Please feel free to add your own ideas or comments below.

Very GoodGoodAdequatePoorVery PoorI Don't Follow This AccountNot Sure
Frequency of updates
General Tone

9. What issues have affected you recently in St Mary's / St. James ward?

Please do not use this form to report crimes, as results from this survey will not be viewed until the survey is complete. If you need to report a crime, you can call 101. You can also report crimes online, at

In an emergency, please call 999.



10. What is your age category? This question is entirely optional.


11. What is your gender? This question is entirely optional.


12. 12. What is your Ethnicity?