'It's Good To Talk' - Mental Health Survey

1. Mental Health in the Workplace

Mental health problems are very common. Estimates show around one in four people will experience stress, depression or anxiety or a less common mental health problem in any one year.
Usdaw wants to find out more about the experiences of members living with a mental health problem so that we can identify what support they need at work.
Could you spare a couple of minutes to answer some questions about your experience? Your reply will be treated in strict confidence and we are not asking for any personal details. 

Usdaw will use the results from this survey to support and evidence our campaigning work. Information on how we process and store personal data can be found in our privacy notice.

1. Are you:


2. Are you:


3. Age:


4. Have you experienced anxiety, stress or depression in the last 12 months?


5. Are worries about increases to the cost of living, such as energy bills and food prices, negatively affecting your mental health?


6. Do you feel any aspects of your job role or work environment have affected your mental health or made your symptoms more difficult to manage?


7. If yes, which aspects of work have you found most difficult? (tick all that apply)


8. If you have experienced problems at work related to your mental health, did you talk to any of the following about how it affects you?


9. If you approached your manager did they make any adjustments to your role or work environment to support you? 


10. Have you needed to take time off work in the past 12 months for reasons related to your mental health?


11. If yes, did you feel able to give mental health as the reason for absence?


12. Does your employer offer any of the following to support mental health at work?
(tick all that apply)


13. If yes, do you feel these measures have improved your ability to talk about mental health and seek support at work?


14. Are you aware of Usdaw’s ‘It’s Good to Talk’ workplace mental health campaign?


15. Are you an Usdaw member?


16. If no, would you like to join?


17. Are the any further comments you wish to make about your experience of mental health in the workplace?