Membership of the LGAMN is free and open to any Local Government manager with responsibility for the Application Support / Dev Ops functions.  
Membership will offer you benefits such as access to our dedicated MS Teams community (kindly hosted by Rugby Borough Council) and opportunities to network with other members.

Complete this form to apply for membership of the Local Government Application Managers' Network (LGAMN).

The form will take fewer than five minutes to complete.

Please note that by signing up to become a member of Local Government Application Managers' Network (LGAMN) you are agreeing to be curious, to be kind, to share and to learn from each other.  The strength of the LGAMN is that we provide a safe space to discuss all aspects of our Application / DevOps management role, responsibilities and projects. 

Information captured in this membership form will be used to manage your membership, communicate information about events, share opportunities from within the network, manage access to our dedicated MS Teams community (kindly hosted by Rugby Borough Council) and other services, and provide you with updates about the Local Government Application Managers' Network (LGAMN) community.

Your data will not be shared with other organisations or 3rd parties.

1. Full name *


2. Job title *


3. In your role, do you directly manage staff who support or develop business applications?
You may want to add some comments to explain where your role sits within your wider team. *


4. UK Local Council Name *


5. Email address *


6. Agreement
By applying to become a member of the Local Government Application Managers' Network (LGAMN), you agree to be curious, to be kind, to share and to learn from other members of this community. The strength of the LGAMN is that we provide a safe space to discuss all aspects of our Application / DevOps management role, responsibilities and projects. 

Completed membership forms with be forwarded to a member of the LGAMN Steering Group who will arrange access to the dedicated MS Teams location (kindly hosted by Rugby Borough Council). An email will then be sent with a link to the new location.
This process may take up to 7-10 days.
Thank you for your patience.