Pa opsiynau Addysg Cyn-geni fysech chi’n hoffi gweld? / What Antenatal Education options would you like to see?
1. Introduction / Cyflwyniad
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Pa opsiynau Addysg Cyn-geni fysech chi’n hoffi gweld?
Ers cychwyn y pandemig COVID, rydym wedi adolygu’r ffordd rydym darparu addysg cyn-geni. Rydym yn gwybod bod nifer o rhieni-i-fod yn hoffi’r opsiwn o mynychu sesiynau ar lein yn ogystal a derbyn gwybodaeth gan eu bydwraig apwyntiedig.
Hefo eich help chi wrth gwblhau’r arolwg hwn, rydym yn anelu i ddatblygu ein pecyn addysg cyn-geni ym mhellach, ar draws Gogledd Cymru, er mwyn cwrdd a angehnion defnyddwyr y gwasanaeth a darparu gwasaneth o safon uchel.
Llenwch y cwestiynau canlynol a chyflwynwch yr atebion ar y diwedd. Mae'r holl holiaduron yn ddienw a byddant yn cael eu trin yn gyfrinachol. Yr ydym wedi cynnwys lle i chi ychwanegu sylwadau at rai cwestiynau a byddem yn eich annog i wneud hynnySicrhewch hefyd nad ydych yn cynnwys unrhyw wybodaeth bersonol yn adrannau sylwadau'r holiaduron gan y gellir adnabod hyn.
Diolch am eich amser a'ch cefnogaeth.
What Antenatal Education options would you like to see?
Since the start of COVID, we have revised the way we deliver Antenatal Education and we know that a lot of parents-to-be like the option of online sessions alongside the information given in their individual midwife appointments.
With your help by completion of this survey, we would love to develop our antenatal education package further, across all areas of North Wales, to meet service users’ needs in order to provide a first class service.
Please complete the following questions and submit the answers at the end. We have included space for you to add comments to some questions and would encourage you to do so. All questionnaires are anonymous and will be treated confidentially.
Also ensure that you do not include any personal information within the comment sections of the questionnaires as this may be identifiable.
Thanks for your time and support.