Manchester thematic visit - Children not in school - CYP

1. Manchester thematic visit - survey for children and young people


Inspectors from Ofsted and the Care Quality Commission (CQC) are coming to your area. They want to know about the support that you get when you are not in school or if you only attend sometimes. Your views are important to us. 


  • You do not have to answer all the questions if you do not want to. You can take breaks. You can stop the survey at any time. You can ask someone to help you fill in the survey.  
  • Your answers will help us to write a report. We will say what is working well and not so well for children and young people who are not in school. We will also say how things could be better for children and young people not in school. 
  • If you have difficulties using this survey or have a question, please email: You can ask someone to email for you. 

Your information  
This survey is run by SmartSurvey. You can find out what they will do with your information here: 
SmartSurvey will pass your information to Ofsted, and Ofsted will delete the information 3 years after the final national report is published.  
We will review survey responses periodically. If you have any concerns or complaints about the process, please refer to the information on how to complain. 
Safeguarding concerns  
We will keep your answers private. We do not ask for your name. We may try to find out who you are if you tell us something that makes us worried about you or another person. We will tell the local council and health services if you tell us something that makes us worried. 
If you want to speak to someone for advice, you can call Childline on 0800 1111. If you are 18 or older you can call NSPCC on 0808 800 5000. 
The survey will remain live until 5 p.m. on 13th March.

Thank you.