Manchester Music City Counts

Urgent call to help the music sector through this recovery

Help us help you. Calling all musicians, technicians, manager, promoters, venues, businesses - everyone and anyone that works in Music in Manchester!

This is your opportunity to help shape the future of music in Manchester.

Manchester City Council has commissioned Nordicity and Sound Diplomacy to undertake an economic impact assessment of the music sector in Manchester. The Council is working with music industry partners on an initiative designed to support the recovery and success of the music sector. The Manchester Music City project starts with this important study into the music economy, so they can understand the value it brings to the city and find out more about the people employed by the music industry.

With your help, the findings will shape a music strategy, making Manchester a global city of music and ensuring the music scene and the wider music sector can recover from the devastating economic impact of the pandemic.

Why is the survey important?
  • You can help the Manchester Music City project develop a baseline of the size, depth and breadth of the music ecosystem in Manchester and the wider city region.
  • You can help shape the future of the music sector and input into future music strategies.
  • You can join the Manchester Music City contact list to hear about the research findings and stay in touch with the project.
Who should complete this questionnaire?
Every individual person, company and organisation that is involved in music in Greater Manchester.

The survey is still open!!

The survey should take under 10 minutes for most people, depending on the complexity of your role in music. If you require help or any guidance, please contact

Thanks to the generosity of our supporters, you can also choose to take part in our prize draw with a chance to win tickets for forthcoming events in the city.
  • 2 tickets for The Four Tops and The Temptations concert at Manchester Arena on Tuesday 5th October generously donated by Ticketline and Kennedy Street Enterprises
  • 2 tickets to Manchester Folk Festival for an event of their choice in the Festival with a guest between 21st and 24th October
  • 4x2 HOME cinema tickets for their forthcoming screenings

We respect your privacy. All information will be confidential and no responses will be shared.


1. Please provide the following information. Email required to be entered into the prize draw.*

We value your privacy:
  • We ask for contact info to help reduce duplicate responses and so we can can contact you for any queries about your response.
  • We also ask for your email address in order to contact the prize draw winners.

Your Name
Organisation (if applicable)
Musical Act (if applicable)
Email (to be entered in the prize draw)

2. In which capacity are you responding to this survey?*

Select all that apply. *


3. What is your postcode?


4. What best describes your primary role in music?*

Select only one. *


5. What else do you do in music?

Select all that apply.