This survey is being conducted by the Sustainable Transportation & Roads Division, City Development, Dundee City Council and the data collected will be used to inform the decision on whether this proposal is progressed.
Background to this Survey
In September 2020, the Council used a post on the IYN West End Facebook page to try and gauge the level of support for a proposal to close Riverside Approach in both directions to all vehicular traffic. The proposal sought to create a safer environment for walking and cycling around Magdalen Green by reducing the volume of traffic in the area. There was a good level of engagement with the Facebook post and while many people supported the proposal, a majority of those engaging did not. On balance, the Council decided the proposal to close Riverside Approach would not be taken forward.
Members of the local community have subsequently been in touch with the Council and have asked that a revised proposal, that would have less impact on local residents who drive but still achieved the aims of the original proposal, is put to the local community.
The revised proposal
Dundee City Council is now considering a northbound temporary closure of Riverside Approach (the bridge over the railway line at Barnetts Garage) as part of its on-going work to create quieter streets for cycling and walking.
The west side of the carriageway would be exclusively available to cyclists and pedestrians. The east side of Riverside Approach would remain open to southbound traffic which would still be able to access Riverside Drive.
In closing Riverside Approach to northbound traffic, the drivers of cars, vans and lorries that use the bridge over the railway to get to the Perth Road area would be required to find a different route into the city and Perth Road lanes area.
At its northern end, Riverside Approach splits into two sections that run either side of a triangle of grassland with trees. In this new proposal, vehicular traffic would not be able to use the western section closest to Magdalen Green. This section of carriageway would be made available to two way cycling and cyclists would be able to continue over the bridge and down onto Riverside Drive and the path that runs along the river.
We would like your views on this proposal and an indication of whether you think such a change, on a temporary basis, would be welcome. Please assist by answering the following questions.