As part of our work to develop a Digital Inclusion Strategy and Strategic Plan for the North East and North Cumbria ICS, we Thrive by Design* would like to invite you to complete a short questionnaire to help us start to understand:
  • How digital currently plays a role in the services, products and experiences you currently deliver; and
  • How people are supported to engage with digital interactions, tools, channels and touchpoints, in a way that is inclusive and accessible to them.

What we’ll be using this for
  • We will be using the information collected to identify patterns in people's approaches and knowledge, components that we need to consider when exploring the experience of digital inclusion, gaps and barriers to support and any opportunities for change and / or improvement.
  • Once we have collected your responses we will share our learning with the steering group and other relevant stakeholders.
  • Alongside this questionnaire, we are also engaging with community organisations and the people they support to understand their experiences of accessing and engaging with services and products that have a digital component and their experiences of providing support.

How to complete the questionnaire
  • The questions are designed to understand the current experience of your organisation and the services you provide. We appreciate that you may not be in a position to answer all of these questions directly so you may need to ask others to contribute to this or share this with others to complete themselves.
  • The deadline to complete this survey is by 5pm on Tuesday 1st August 2023.

  • What we are collecting - We will collect your name and email address so that we can follow up with you about the information you share - this may be if we want to clarify or find out more something you’ve told us. We will not share or publish any personal information that may identify you as an individual. 
  • What will happen with the findings - The findings from the survey will be shared / published. This includes key insights from all of the responses. The outputs from this survey will directly inform what will be the next steps.
  • How we are storing personal data - All of your data will be kept on our secure internal system and we will delete your contact information in 24 months. We are compliant with the Data Protection Act (2018) / UK-GDPR which provides a framework to ensure that your personal information is managed and shared appropriately. Please find more details in our Privacy Policy here.    

If you have any questions or would like us to provide a different way to share your responses, in a way that is more accessible to you, please do not hesitate to contact 
*Thrive by Design is a co-design, digital inclusion and innovation team (hosted by the NHS) who specialise in Inclusive Digital Transformation in health and care settings. For further information please check out our website or follow us on twitter @TweetsByThrive

1. Do you consent to the information you provide being processed as described above? *


2. Are you happy to be contacted by Thrive by Design outside of this project with other information that might be of interest to you? *