Free Eye Tests, Glasses & £35 Amazon Voucher At The University Of Central Lancashire Eye Clinic

Free Eye Tests, Glasses & £35 Amazon Voucher At The University Of Central Lancashire Eye Clinic

Location: Preston, PR1
Appointment Dates: February/March

As part of their research into the effect of digital devices on people's vision, The University Of Central Lancashire's Eye Clinic is offering free eye tests. This is a public facility and operates just like a high-street practice.

Register for A Free Eye Test & Receive A Free £35 Amazon Voucher

Please fill in the form below to register for a free eye test. As this is a research study as well as a free/standard eye test you will also receive a £35 Amazon voucher!

Phase Two - Free Glasses

Do You Struggle With Digital Eye Strain? Optional Opportunity To Take Part In Further Research & Receive Free Glasses & Earn £120
Some people will also receive a free pair of glasses and will be invited to take part in phase two of the study. This will involve returning to our eye clinic for four 30 minute visits. You will be paid £30 per visit - THERE IS NO OBLIGATION TO TAKE PART IN PHASE TWO OF THE STUDY.

How old are you? *


Do you use digital devices for 1+ hours a day (this includes Smart Phones/Tables/Laptops/Apple Watches etc) *


Have you ever worn a “near add” correction lenses (i.e. bifocal / varifocal / ESL Lens)? *


Do You Have Any Of The Following Conditions? *


Do You Wear Glasses/Contact Lenses? *


When was the last time you visited an optician? *


Are you able to bring a copy of your last optical prescription to your appointment? You may this already, if not you can easily get a copy from the receptionists at your usual practice - if you have not visited an optician before or not for a long time please answer N/A below *


What is your email address? *


What is your name? *


What is your home postcode? *


What is your telephone number? *


Do You Have Any Of The Following Common Visual Symptoms (i.e. IN YOUR EYES)?

FREQUENCY - NeverFREQUENCY - OccasionallyFREQUENCY - Often/AlwaysINTENSITY- ModerateINTENSITY- Intense
Tired eyes
Eye strain
Blurred vision
Frontal headaches
Difficulties keeping clear vision when changing focus from near to distance
Difficulties keeping clear vision when changing focus from once device to another

Do You Have Any Of The Following Common Visual Symptoms (i.e. IN YOUR EYES)? *

FREQUENCY - NeverFREQUENCY - OccasionallyFREQUENCY - Often/AlwaysINTENSITY- ModerateINTENSITY- Intense
Burning (in your eyes)
Itching (in your eyes)
Feeling of a foreign body (in your eyes)
Tearing (in your eyes)
Excessive blinking
Eye redness
Eye pain
Heavy eyelids
Dryness (in your eyes)
Blurred vision
Double vision
Difficulty focusing for near vision
Increased sensitivity to light
Coloured halos around objects
Feeling that sight is worsening