Devon Music Education Hub MEG funding application 2024-25 *Deadline 5pm Friday 27 September 2024
1. Introduction

Music Education Grant (MEG) funding application & statutory reporting to DfE/Arts Council England

As part of our core offer, ALL local authority maintained schools and academies in Torbay and Devon can apply for delegated Music Education Grant (MEG) funding. In 2024-25, eligible schools will receive £400, which is intended to support delivery of the National Plan for Music Education, particularly Whole Class Ensemble Tuition (WCET). Please note that for academic year 2024-25 this funding is not available for schools in Plymouth.

In order to qualify for Music Education Grant (MEG) funding, your school will need to…

  1. Complete a basic data submission for each school – please do not complete an application for an entire federation or MAT as we are required by DfE to provide data on each individual school. We have worked very hard to ensure that this is not an onerous process – precise details are less important than gaining a good picture of what is happening in your school, so estimated figures are fine.
  2. Use the School Music Development Plan self-evaluation tool to make a judgement on your current provision (Bronze, Silver, Gold or Platinum) and share this with the Hub. Your school may be selected for a follow up visit to discuss your judgement that will further inform your Music Development Plan. 
  3. Tell us how you would like to receive your MEG funding i.e. through your Local Learning Community, cluster, federation or MAT.

Please note:

  • Collecting this data is important and forms part of our statutory reporting to DfE/Arts Council England. Please note that we are required to pass on details of schools that fail to comply.
  • DfE expects schools to publish their Music Development Plan on the school website by 1 September 2024 and has published a suggested template. Our School Music Development Plan self-evaluation tool goes above and beyond DfE requirements and is intended to support schools with this process. Advice and support is available from your local Music Development Lead.
  • We recognise that some of the descriptors used below are rather limiting or may not align with your values, but this is the information that we are required to provide to DfE/Arts Council England as part of the annual statistical data return. Please provide additional comments below if you feel your response requires further explanation.


  • We recommend that this form is completed by the teacher responsible for music provision in your school.
  • Please read the questions carefully and ensure you answer all required fields.
  • You can save and return to your response at any time, but please ensure you complete your submission by 5pm on Friday, 27 September 2024.
  • If you are completing the application form on behalf of more than one school, Smart Survey may not let you complete two surveys from the same computer/device without clearing your cache. 
  • You must click 'Finish' to submit your application, if there any gaps or errors the form will not allow you to submit. Once successfully submitted we strongly recommend that you select 'Print' to be emailed a PDF version of your responses for your records. Unsubmitted or partial responses will not be collected and you will not be eligible for the MEG funding - we take no responsibility for any software failures.
  • If you have any questions, please contact Charlotte Yarnley-Jones, Business & Development Manager Tel 01392 287235 email

Click here for our privacy policy


1. Name of school *


2. School postcode *


3. What is your full name? *


4. What is your role/job title? *


5. What is your email address? *


6. To opt-in for Devon Music Education Hub updates please confirm your consent below - updates alert schools to new projects, additional funding and CPD opportunities. Please note that our privacy policy can be found here. *


7. Is there anyone else at your school that should receive Hub updates via email? Please provide name, role/job title and email address below.


8. In order to qualify for Music Education Grant (MEG) funding in 2024-25, you need to use the Music Development Plan self-evaluation tool to make a judgement based on current provision for your school. Please indicate your judgement below: *


9. At what stage of development is your School Music Development Plan? Please note: DfE expects schools to publish their Music Development Plan on the school website by 1 September 2024 and has published a suggested template. Our Music Development Plan self-evaluation tool goes above and beyond DfE requirements and is intended to support schools with this process. Advice and support is available from your local Music Development Lead. *


10. How embedded is the Model Music Curriculum (or equivalent) in your school? Please note: The Model Music Curriculum is non-statutory guidance published by the DfE and provides one interpretation of how schools deliver the requirements of the National Curriculum for Music*


11. Please provide information about the Whole Class Ensemble Tuition (WCET) opportunities in the academic year 2023-2024 that your school provided or supported for pupils in all Key Stages. *

Number of pupils in this year group receiving tuition?
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Year 6
Year 7
Year 8
Year 9
Year 10
Year 11
Year 12
Year 13

12. Of the pupils who received Whole Class Ensemble Tuition (WCET) in 2022-2023, how many continued to play a musical instrument in a small group or individual lesson in 2023-2024? *


13. Please provide information about all in person/face-to-face vocal/instrumental lessons with Visiting Music Teachers that took place in the Academic Year 2023-2024 that your school facilitated or supported for pupils in all Key Stages. *

Number of pupils in this key stage receiving INDIVIDUAL tuition?Number of pupils in this key stage receiving SMALL GROUP (2 to 10 pupils) tuition?Number of pupils in this key stage receiving LARGE GROUP (10+ but not Whole Class) tuition?How many of these received a subsidy or fee remission?
Key Stage 1
Key Stage 2
Key Stage 3
Key Stage 4
Key Stage 5

14. Please provide the following information about all vocal/instrumental lessons with Visiting Music Teachers that took place in the Academic Year 2023-2024 that your school facilitated or supported for pupils in all Key Stages (individual, small group, large group, in-person or online). *

Pupils eligible for Pupil Premium
SEND pupils
Both (Pupil Premium and SEND)
Pupils NOT eligible for Pupil Premium and NOT SEND

15. Of the pupils indicated in questions 13-14 that received individual, small group or large group instrumental/vocal lessons with Visiting Music Teachers that your school facilitated, please tell us the levels of attainment achieved during the 2023-24 academic year. *


16. Please tell us how many of each of the following group music-making opportunities were offered at your school over the last year *

Ensembles and group music-making activities
Instrumental groups e.g. orchestra, recorder group, jazz band
Choir/Vocal Group (Upper Voices)
Choir/Vocal Group (Mixed Voices)
Mixed ensemble (voice and instrumental) e.g. rock band, folk group

17. Please provide the following information about pupils that regularly attended one of the ensembles or group music-making activities listed in Q18. *

Pupils eligible for Pupil Premium
SEND pupils
Both (Pupil Premium and SEND)
Pupils NOT eligible for Pupil Premium and NOT SEND

18. Please tell us how you used last year's Music Education Grant (MEG) funding to support your music provision. Please note that this is public funding, which is strictly ring-fenced for the purpose of supporting music education. and that you are required to provide a meaningful response to this question. *


19. Please indicate what additional financial contribution has been made towards music provision from sources other than Music Education Grant (MEG) funding - for example, school budget, parental/student contribution, in-kind support, PTFA/other fundraising? Please include a financial value (£) where applicable. *


20. We value your feedback – on a scale of 1-5, how would you evaluate the support that your schools receives from Devon & Torbay Music Education Hubs *


21. How can the Hub help you achieve the objectives of your School Music Development Plan over the year ahead? *


22. Devon & Torbay Music Education Hubs encourage collaborative working between schools and recommends Music Education Grant (MEG) payments are made to clusters of schools wherever possible. Please indicate how you would like to receive your MEG funding i.e. through your Local Learning Community (LLC), federation, cluster or MAT. *