Peridot Partners is committed to promoting equality, diversity and inclusion. To help us raise awareness and support a culture that is diverse, inclusive and recognises and develops the potential of all, we need to appreciate the profile of candidates who apply for positions.
The information we seek will help us to support our commitment to fair recruitment practice. All information provided will be held in the strictest confidence and will be protected in line with the Data Protection Act 2018 launched on 25 May 2018. The information provided does not form part of the decision-making process and will not affect your application.
You are not obliged to respond to the questions on this form, however it will help us to promote equality of opportunity if you answer all questions in full.
Applicants with a disability are invited to contact us in confidence at any point during the recruitment process to discuss steps that could be taken to overcome operational difficulties presented by the job, or if any adjustments or support are required. Please state if you require any assistance, equipment, adaptations or adjustments to working conditions or to attend interview. Please contact us in confidence at
1. At the point of making this application, do you define as
2. Is the gender you identify with the same as your gender registered at birth?
5. Sexual Orientation
Which group below do you most identify with?
6. Disability
The Equality Act 2010 defines a person as having a disability if:
They have a physical, sensory or mental impairment, which has lasted or is likely to last for at least twelve months.
The impairment has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on their ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities. ‘Substantial’ meaning more than minor or trivial and ‘normal day to day activities’ include everyday actions like eating, washing, walking and shopping.
Disabled applicants are invited to contact us in confidence at any point during the recruitment process to discuss steps that could be taken to overcome operational difficulties presented by the job, or if any adjustments or support are required. Please contact us in confidence at
Do you have a disability as defined by the Equality Act?
7. Ethnic Origin
(Relates to a sense of identity/belonging on the basis of race/culture, not place of birth or citizenship.)
I would describe myself as:
8. Faith
Which group below do you most identify with?
9. Please let us know how you were made aware of the position.
(If via advertising, please let us know which internet site or printed advert)
Data protection: Peridot Partners treats personal data collected in this equality survey anonymously and in the strictest confidence to help monitor recruitment, selection and, if relevant, employment within the client organisation. This is in accordance with our data protection policy. Information about how your data is used and the basis for processing is provided in our privacy policy, available on our website.
I hereby give my consent to Peridot Partners to process the data supplied in this form for the purpose of equal opportunities monitoring in recruitment and selection, and if relevant, employment within the client organisation. I acknowledge that the completion of this form, does not in any way affect my application.