London Cancer Community

1. London Cancer Community

Welcome to the sign up for our Macmillan London Cancer Community.

What is the London Cancer Community?

The London Cancer Community is a network for anyone living or working in London who is either:
- Interested in getting involved with opportunities to improve Macmillan cancer information and support services
- Interested in finding out about cancer engagement in their community
- Want to connect with cancer services, organisations and groups in London

Who joins the London Cancer Community (LCC)?
The LCC is a group of people who want to share their experiences, shape services, network and collaborate or just find out what's happening in their local area.
These include:
- those who have a lived experience of cancer:
- are friends or family members of people affected by cancer:
- health care professionals:
- those that provide support to those living with cancer:
- members of community groups or organisations who want to support their members who may be affected by cancer. 

How could I get involved in the work that Macmillan does?
By joining the LCC, you can help shape the development and evaluation of cancer services by:
helping inform Macmillan’s policy work
helping raise cancer awareness by sharing personal experiences
through case studies in our media team
giving talks.

The LCC is very flexible, and you can have as little or as much involvement you want. You can choose to use the skills or knowledge you are comfortable sharing with the opportunities that best suit you.

We also send our network members e-newsletters on average 4 times a year with updates on the work we're doing and opportunities in your local area. 

Why does the London Cancer Community exist?
We believe that it is essential that people living with or affected by cancer should be at the heart of changes and have a way to share their experiences and get involved.
We want to bring together cancer services, support groups, community groups and professions into one space together to make it easy for them to network and collaborate. We also hope to make it easier for those who are affected by cancer to navigate these services and connect with them in their local community.

Want to get involved?
It's easy!! If you would like to become a member of the London Cancer Community please continue with the survey and you will receive a confirmation welcome email.
We also have 2 other networks in the South-East of England and the East of England. If you would like to join either of these networks as well, you can here.

Your data:  We promise to keep your details safe. Our privacy policy (  explains how we keep this promise. If you don’t want to hear from us, or change your mind about involvement in this network please contact us via email

Any questions regarding the network or to update your preferences please do contact us via email at