Learning from Incidents Clinical Audit

This questionnaire has been developed by the CityCare Serious Incident and Learning Lessons Forum (SILLF) for use by services to consider whether the themes from incidents previously reported within CityCare are an issue for the service.
Before sending this questionnaire to staff, Team Managers should contact Marina Otley - Clinical Effectiveness Lead, who will collate the results. This questionnaire is confidential and no identifiable details are collected.

To complete this form online go to www.smartsurvey.co.uk/s/LearningLessons/

1. Date completed


2. Name of team/ service


3. How long have you worked in your current role?


4. Communication

Strongly agreeAgreeNot sureDisagreeStrongly disagreeNot applicable to me
Communication between Community Nursing and other CityCare services is good
Communication between our team and services outside CityCare (e.g. GP practices, NUH, Notts Healthcare) is good
There is enough protected time for staff to attend handovers
At handovers we discuss patients with deteriorating conditions
When I was involved in an incident I felt supported
I feel confident communicating with patients, carers and families regarding outcomes of investigations
I feel able to escalate concerns to senior staff

5. Infection Prevention and Control

Strongly agreeAgreeNot sureDisagreeStrongly disagreeNot applicable to me
I feel confident to know where to find information on IPC
I feel confident to know when to take clinical observations
I have the correct equipment to enable me to take clinical observations
I am aware of when to escalate concerns re: clinical observations outside of the normal parameters
I have attended training on Sepsis and recognise a deteriorating patient
I have attended training on catheter management and when to escalate if the patient is in urinary retention
I feel confident in the principles of ANTT and how to use this effectively
I feel confident on when to take a wound swab
I follow up wound swabs and sample results and escalate if I am not sure that a patient is on the correct treatment

6. Tissue Viability and Pressure Ulcers

YesNoNot applicable to my role
I have attended training on pressure ulcers and Braden
I have had Braden and pressure ulcer competencies signed off
I have attended training on managing diabetic feet
I have attended MUST training


Strongly agreeAgreeNot sureDisagreeStrongly disagreeNot applicable to me
I feel confident knowing how to photograph wounds and label photographs
I feel confident in completing wound assessments
I am able to report category 3, category 4, and unstageable category 3/4 pressure ulcers on Datix in a timely way

7. Medicines Management

Strongly agreeAgreeNot sureDisagreeStrongly disagreeNot applicable to me
I have attended training on Diabetes – What You Really Need to Know, and had competences signed off as appropriate
I am able to report insulin related incidents in a timely way
I have attended training on Controlled Drugs including Patch Training , and had competences signed off as appropriate
I feel confident knowing how to report missing controlled drugs on Datix and know who should be contacted

8. Complex patients

Strongly agreeAgreeNot sureDisagreeStrongly disagreeNot applicable to me
Complex patients seen by our team have a named member of staff
Complex patients seen by our team are recorded on a whiteboard for handover

9. Agency staff

Strongly agreeAgreeNot sureDisagreeStrongly disagreeNot applicable to me
Agency staff in our team receive appropriate induction
Agency staff in our team are able to manage grab bags appropriately
Agency staff in our team are aware of pressure ulcer protocols
Agency staff in our team are communicated with as well as employed staff

10. Other

Strongly agreeAgreeNot sureDisagreeStrongly disagreeNot applicable to me
I have attended Mental Capacity Act and Best Interests training
I feel confident to report incidents of violence and aggression on Datix
Transfer of care from our team to others usually goes as planned
Care plans are managed appropriately on Autoplanner
There are no issues with the First Responder role