Welcome to our consultation on SQA’s draft Equality Outcomes 2025-2029.
As part of our obligations as a public body under the Public Sector Equality Duty, SQA is in the process of revising our Equality Outcomes for 2025 – 2029.
What am I being asked to do?
These outcomes are a set of core commitments that will shape our equality activities over the next four years. We are conducting this consultation in order to ensure that our equality outcomes are fit for purpose. This survey asks you questions on your thoughts on the proposed equality outcomes. We will use that data in our evaluation of the proposed set of equality outcomes and to create the EDI Strategy for Qualifications Scotland.
The survey does not gather any information that could identify you individually, and data will be further anonymised during the analytical process. Most of the questions in the survey require you to choose answers from an array of options. There are opportunities to add more detail or provide any other comments in free text throughout.
This survey should take around 20 mins to half an hour to complete. At the end of each page there is an option to save your progress and return to the survey at a later time. Clicking this option will produce a request for your email address. This data is handled by the survey platform directly, is not linked to your survey responses, and is not visible to or stored by SQA (click here to view SmartSurvey's privacy policy).
The survey will close on 13 December. Any responses completed after that time may not be included in the consultation.
Data handling
Survey data is stored and handled securely according to SQA’s data protection policy and will be processed and analysed by members of SQA’s Research and Evaluation team prior to inclusion in any report resulting from this work. Survey data will be destroyed once the project is complete. The survey has been developed and designed according to the ethical principles outlined in SQA’s Code of Research Practice.
If you have any questions about this research or its context, please contact cetequality@sqa.org.uk